January 24

Dear Girls: Spoken Word (Favorite Piece!)




Dear Girls:


Girls are a whole half of life,
a whole half of life… I… don’t know so well, honestly.

I mean, sure, girls. I can talk to you.
I mean, sure, girls I can laugh with you
I mean, sure, girls I can get mad at you.

Sure, girls, I can fall in love with you,
It doesn’t mean, though… It doesn’t mean I know you.

Girls, why do you go through the pain,
all this makeup, to attempt in vain,
to make yourself beautiful, yet a clone,

Not understanding your beauty is only ever your own.

I understand, what I see outside is great,

But heck boys, can we do else than to hate?

Us, as boys, we abuse you

Force you into cast iron molds,

Hold you there with

The handcuffs of media,

The bindings of gossip,

And the shackles of judgement


If you want make up, then be my guest,

But please, listen, and I’ll do my best,

To speak a point having long been ignored

my idea of true beauty, having yet been unexplored.

Look into a mirror,

tell me you’re not pretty.

If you tell me so, I dare you to look harder

Look past the words of others,

shove the words which broke your image long ago,

made your reflection shatter

broke the mirror in your mind because you can’t bear to look at yourself,

because all you’d see was the B____, S___, and W____.

They cut you inside, made you bleed self image,

Made you never want to show your face again.

But you had to.

You had to fight another needless round,

Over and over again,

Always coming back with a new scar

Each time you took a turn in this never-ending circle

You found a new way to twist your self image,

To break yourself inside,

Made you want to punch,


Scream out loud



…And let me tell you,

A simple layer of foundation isn’t going to fix you


Mirror, mirror, the only one of who’s image you control,

the one part of you which makes you feel whole,

Shove them, you’ll feel quite warm and cuddly,

Without their words which make you feel ugly.

If you broke the mirror in your mind because you weren’t attractive enough,

Then shove it aside, break through the bluff,

leave the labels behind, get a new mirror

Because you’re only beautiful if you say you are.


Don’t let our nasty words get to you,

Guys are horrible, of which you should have a clue.

Take my advice with a grain of salt,

Not every boy displays these faults.


We have our moments we wish we could take back,

peer pressure broke us, they made us crack.

If we fight against it, we’re kicked out, disowned.

Forced to live our double-edged misery, all alone

Do, speak, act as you please, it’s your choice,

I speak here today to but give you a voice.

I wish I could reap the rewards of the thoughts I hoard,

But I can only speak frankly to boys, who sit here bored.

BOYS! We’re not understanding, not getting on board,

girls are a whole half of life we’ve never explored.

December 14

10 things I once had

What did I once have,

but have no longer?

What do I need back,

that is being held away?


My vibrant little shirt,

The most important thing of my childhood,

Shipped off to my cousin,

along with my free luxuries.


I used to be so certain

in the honesty of men,

in the trustworthiness of them.

All are gone, my innocence the tax.


As my brother moved out,

so did my free time.

School life took all,

…even my gym shirt.


If I could please,

just have one thing back,

I beg here on my knees.

My love for all humanity, I need it,

