December 14

seven things i know to be true

i know that the best people to hold hands with

are the ones with callouses on their palms and fingers

because they have fought to be here.


i know that butterflies are the multi-hued versions of angels on earth

and the reason they have such small, brittle lifespans is

because they are missed in the heavens above.


i know that i will have a child one day

innocence and purity; pure love is so very beautiful and so very admirable

because that is so very rare in our world now.


i know that sharing a name with another is supposed

to be a cause for unity and celebration and joy but it is not

because their name is more well-known than mine.


i know that you should treat others like trees in that

some of the most beautiful ones are the ones unlike any other

because you don’t chop it down for being different.


i know that we have all let someone down at one moment or another

but the very, very special ones have learned the very difficult skill of forgiveness

because we are all worth that.


i know that we tend to believe others bring out the best of us

but i think these qualities were always hidden right behind our twinkling eyes

because the words and opinions of others do not determine our worth


poetry challenge number three / claire b. / summaiya, mandeep, katherine, jade

September 30

i am the sky — metaphor for me (claire b.)

I will always be here, even if you do not acknowledge me. I will watch over you and exist over you with my effervescent love, even if you are not aware of me. I am bright at times, and stormy at others, but I cannot be in control of this at all times. I can wreck and destroy and tear apart those below me but please forgive me if I do so. I may do this, but I am truly filled with bright clouds of dreams and hopes that can be blown down and away with the smallest of winds.

These clouds, that move and shift and never stay the same, make up who I am. There is a cloud that represents love, a cloud for hate, for curiosity, for generosity – every part of what makes up me is found in the clouds floating above with seemingly no cares at all. A shift in this cloud cover can change the entire mood of the day – from blight blue skies of happiness to stormy and angry grey hues. It is said that every cloud has a silver lining – for me, every one of my clouds, with their unique variations and configurations have a particular silver lining.

Love will blossom in to appreciation, hate will be overcome by passion, curiosity introduced to knowledge, generosity would breed compassion – and these clouds would lose their shape and become something entirely new.

If you look up to me, I will always be looking back at you. There are moments in our lives where we may feel utterly alone – but we can look up to the sky, and see it there, and just know that it will still be there tomorrow. People can look to me for advice, for comfort, for reassurance that the world is still turning, you are still living, and I am still here for you. That is the most important thing about the sky – it’s flowing presence that occupies the minds and souls of those it encounters daily.

I am the sky, I am ever-changing, but I will always be here with you.

claire b.

pic credit: jimenez